How to become a professional blogger?

How to become a professional blogger? is the question every person would be thinking of when coming to blogging.

let's be honest; Professional blogging is not an easy task at all. But if you follow the tips in this article correctly, you can produce compelling content in no time, Content that gets the reader to interact and respond.

Remember that the ultimate goal of blogging is to convey an idea or message to the audience in the shortest possible time.

Magazine (or newspaper) content usually has a certain length, But the number of words in a blog post can range from 300 to 5,000 words, or even more.

Regardless of the number of words in the blog post, you need to be able to persuade people to read. Well, of course, to do that, you need to get the audience's attention first.

Blogging has many benefits. According to the HubSpot website, Writing and publishing content on a blog daily brings more return on investment (ROI) for your business than weekly blogging.
How to become a professional blogger?

It's true that blogging, like advertising, doesn't have immediate results, But rest assured, it will bring potential or lasting customers to your business.

If you're ready, let's talk about 5 professional ways to blog. By using these 5 methods continuously, you can become a better blogger in 30 days (or even less).

How to become a professional blogger?

How to become a professional blogger?

Always write down your ideas

When you write your ideas, you automatically focus on writing. Few of us think of something else at the same time as we write an idea.

As a result, pens and paper are good tools for focusing. Andrew Lynch, the founder of the Daily Practice magazine, also strengthened his blogging skills using this method. He said:

I consider myself an idea maker machine. I feel more creative than I think I am, and I often find interesting and new solutions to many problems.

How to become a professional blogger?

Get rid of the dream of becoming a writer. There is only one way to become a writer, and that is to write.

How can you get started?

Start by writing down your ideas. Make note-taking a daily habit and start writing down your ideas by installing note-taking software like Evernote or Samsung notes on your mobile phone.

It doesn't matter if you are having lunch with friends or in the subway line, ideas always come to us. So it is better to write them down faster so that we do not forget them.

James Altucher suggests writing down 10 ideas that come to mind every day. Do this as a daily exercise to become a better writer. Also, by doing this, you will never run out of ideas and you won't experience writer's block.

From 2014 to the present, Neil Patel, while running two successful companies, has been able to write 8 articles a week for its blogs. The main reason is that he quickly puts his ideas on paper.

For example, you can use your mobile phone when you go to a seminar. This way, you can not only browse the web but also write down your new ideas.

How to become a professional blogger?

According to academic research, humans usually remember well what they write down. if you don't succeed in writing your ideas down, You may not remember them when you need them most.

Reinforce your habit of taking notes. Don't procrastinate on this daily exercise, Take your pen and write down your ideas after reading this article.

Be a storyteller in blogging

When you become accustomed to taking notes, it's time to focus on the intrinsic nature of humans, the storytelling.
How to become a professional blogger?

 The story of your article does not have to start with "Once upon a time ...". In our definition of storytelling, only the expression of thoughts, experiences, tasks, and results in a memorable and interesting format is important. Words, audio files, or even images (and video) can be used to do this.

When you tell a story in your post, you're answering a specific question. When you can direct the reader from the first subject to the next, This means that you can tell stories.

Good bloggers are good storytellers. If you've ever read a blog post that has excited you, it's probably because of its good story.

An example of good blogging, the story is John Maro's wonderful article, "How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise, and Get Paid to Change the World." In addition to the content, it also has a very interesting headline.
How to become a professional blogger?

This article was completely telling a story. In this post, John tells how in April 2006 he crashed into a car with a speed of 85 miles per hour and 14 of his bones were broken. John quits his job in three months, sells all his property, and disappears.

You can read the rest of the story yourself. The content of his story can make anyone cry. Guess what happened after that? The post received nearly 500 views, thousands of social media shares, and a large number of links.

Stories are memorable and stay in mind. We can define them for anyone who wants to hear them. Stories attract people and dispel doubts.

The reason for this is that in storytelling, you can show a scene where people identify with the main character and feel that they are in the same situation.

By mixing the story with the content of your blog, you become a skilled writer. You don't have to tell your own story. Take, for example, the impact of the story of John Maru, which I recounted in this post.

Make a general plan for your articles

Before you write a blog post, You need to create a general plan that is easy for the audience to follow. This is not optional, but necessary.

Once you've chosen a topic to write from your list of ideas (which you created in the first step), make a general plan. This plan should include the title, the main topics (which you want to refer to), and the conclusion.

To open your mind, I suggest you write the introduction and conclusion first, then make a list of what you want to cover in your post. 

A general plan will help you start the writing process. That way, even before you get to the content body, you know what you need to have under your heading. 

This doubles your focus. All new blog content, such as Google AdWords Training, has started with a general plan.

The introduction should force the audience to read. Having the skills to write an introduction ensures that your readers read at least 65% of it if they don't read your whole article.

Use markup and cataloging for your article. These markings, cover your content's basic tips and ideas.

You can naturally use a keyword in the headlines of your article. Don't try to manipulate the search rankings or the total keywords of your website. 

In conclusion, simply repeat what your readers have learned from your content.

Of course, not all readers will read your entire article. Those who read your content superficially, with the help of conclusions, will understand the subject of your content.

Don't worry about your general plan is imperfect. However, this is only a general plan, not even a draft. With your general plan, you can easily get your thoughts out. General plans will help you plan your future writing.

- Jeremy Porter

According to research from Harvard University Writing Center, a good general plan facilitates the editing process for the author and reduces the likelihood of needing rewriting. Whether you are a novice or skilled blogger, always start writing with a general plan, this will make the process easier.

Read the writings of famous authors

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to blogging is to read the content of other good bloggers inside or outside your industry. we even suggest you read content on writing and ways of writing better.

The books, magazines, and blogs you read may not be fully relevant to your job (for example, attracting potential customers), but they do prepare your brain to get started and come up with creative ideas.

The truth is, if you don't read good writing, you'll never know how to write well. Remember that words are powerful. It can even be said that humans are made up of words.

I suggest you visit Seth Godin's blog and see what he believes in and what makes his writing good.

How to become a professional blogger?

If you find your writing style, it's a good idea to start reading popular posts and try to read about prominent authors. Gradually you will find your writing style, especially if you practice writing.

Read a lot and try to diversify the subject matter of what you are reading. Watch TED conferences or any conference of successful people. Read the infographics of great authors and take notes.

These things make you write better. Try to pay attention to the style and structure of other authors' writings, then you can create a unique writing style for yourself.

Find relevant questions and answer them

I know you're probably tired of hearing this, but be sure it's worth repeating: Continuous writing is one of the easiest ways to become a better writer.

But the question is, what should you write about? As a beginner, write down the answers to a series of questions. Reading is my priority as a blogger. I always research that topic before I write about it.

In cyberspace and the real world, there are many questions with very few answers. This is good news for you. By taking into the level of competition in the online space, you can become a better writer by answering questions on your blog and gaining a stable audience.

Why do you think a website like Quora is so popular? That's why people are looking for answers to their questions. If you don't know what to write about, I suggest you look for questions about your field of work or industry and provide answers.

Backlinko founder Brian Dean, for example, is very good at answering users' questions. How is his work? He goes to the Quora site and finds the questions about SEO, then spends a lot of time finding the answers to those questions.

Finally, he provides detailed and complete information to his users. Therefore, he is now considered one of the most influential SEO bloggers.

How to become a professional blogger?

85% of blog content is written based on audience questions. Take a look at them: Don't worry about providing a clear and accurate answer to your question.

Search Google for answers to your questions. Expand after finding information that provides some kind of answer. Choose a better title for it, implement a general plan, and make sure your article and its tips answer the question.

You do not need special conditions to become a professional blogger within 30 days. In most cases, this condition is in front of you: time. Time is a valuable commodity.

When you have enough time to study, you will surely become a more confident writer, a writer whose content attracts the audience.

Experience has shown that when you are writing something, you should not waste your time to keep each reader happy. This will not be satisfactory for you. Apart from that, you can never keep everyone happy and you don't have to it as well.

Instead, try to present your point of view of the world around you in the best possible way by writing content based on proven experiments and results. Know the purpose of your post to get better results in your content.

Do you use these tips in your content? Do you think we missed a point? Don't hesitate to leave us your comments, we will be happy to complete our article with your help.

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